Mini Monsters

Looking for your children’s first football team in Farnham? Mini Monsters is the perfect club to help with your child’s first steps into football. As one of the most well established clubs locally for the lower ages we deliver professionally coached football sessions for girls and boys 4-7.
Our coaches who deliver the mini monster sessions have heaps of experience with the younger footballers and a focus that everyone leaves after having their fun filled hour of football wanting to come back again.


Day: Sundays
Time: 09:30 – 10:30
Location: Monkton Lane, Farnham, GU9 9ND
Age: 4 – 6 years (pre school, Reception and year 1)
Cost: £5 per session (paid at the club café) OR pay £15 per month via our club website.


Join The Mini Monsters Every Sunday

Mini Monsters is the perfect club to help with your child’s first steps into football. As one of the most well established clubs locally for the lower ages we deliver professionally coached football sessions for girls and boys 4-7 years. Our coaches from the Chelsea Foundation who deliver the mini monster sessions have heaps of experience with the younger footballers and a focus that everyone leaves after having their fun filled hour of football wanting to come back again.

At Farnham Town Football Club we’re very proud to be able to deliver football across all ages with a well established platform in place to give your child a route all the way through to senior football.

Monkton Lane offers a patio area for you to enjoy the football where you can also get hot refreshments from our club café.

We ask all kids to bring boots, shin pads and fluids to keep hydrated.

Mini Monsters will be back with registrations in September.

First Session Free
No Fixed Membership
Qualified Coaching Team
All Staff DBS Checked
Fully Insured
Boys and Girls Aged 4-7
100% Fun Guaranteed

How do I sign up?

It’s simple, there is no sign up! We all know at a young age children can quickly turn hot and cold with what they enjoy so to ensure maximum smiles from anyone attending we offer a pay and play scheme with no joining fee. After their first session which is offered free we charge £5 a child per week. The session will run from 9am-10am every Saturday. message us on Facebook by following us!

We hope to see you and your mini monster soon!



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